RAHMENPROGRAMM ZUR EUROPÄISCHEN TAXIMESSE Freuen Sie sich auf: • Rheinschifffahrt • Begrüßungsdrink • Reichhaltiges Büffet • Alkoholfreie Getränke Bier und Wein Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt. Anmeldung bis zum 18. Oktober 2018 unter www.taxifahrzeuge.de/ankertreff oder unter www.taxi-times.taxi/ankertreff *Preis zzgl. Mehrwertsteuer gilt für much Autohaus Kunden bzw. für Abonnenten der Taxi Times, Regulärer Nettopreis: 88 Euro Mit Unterstützung von: Zum Sonderpreis von nur: 78 ,- € * 1. November 18:00 - 01:00 Kölner Altstadtufer Schifffahrt 19:00 - 22:30 AN BORD DER MS LORELEY
GASTKOMMENTAR All over the world the Uber opponents take to the streets. REACHING THE NEXT GENERATION OF TAXI TECHNOLOGY Every day there is a new story in the press about Uber. This constant attention creates the unjustified impression that these ride-hailing app providers are the future of the taxi industry – when, in fact, this tech is just one part of the story. PHOTOS: Taxi Times / Autocab What many of these commentators don’t seem to appreciate is that the newcomers’ solutions are falling well short of providing all the answers to people’s mobility needs up and down the country. They may not care about fulfilling this need, but local taxi firms certainly do and do so, on a daily basis, because they have a powerful offering, and are reaching places that Uber doesn’t. Uber‘s focus has always been on high profit urban areas, where drivers are more likely to have a constant stream of customers looking for rides throughout the day. This means cities, and cities alone. But where does that leave the rest of the population, e.g. people living out in the suburbs or in a countryside town? THE NEXT LEVEL While the focus of the media’s attention is on Uber’s consumer facing app, many outside the inner cities, have also embraced this app-based tech revolution – and are now taking this to the next level. For example, any firm signed up to the iGo Network can provide their customers with access to an additional 55,000 drivers, operating in all regions of the UK, via their own customer app. It’s about proving options for all types of customers. From people with disabilities, who will rely on their preferred taxi provider, to hotel chains who want to arrange long-standing agreements. Newcomers to the market aren’t geared up to service this level of complexity. Hassan Abod, director at Autocab. Establishing relationships with individuals and larger organisational customers is what taxi firms have always been great at. The additional complexity is unappealing to the city-based newcomers, but understanding those special needs is what makes a local taxi firm an ideal choice for business accounts. This B2B section of the market also represents 20%-25% of all trips. We all know about the incentives that Uber offers its drivers to make the switch. But that’s not the full story. A low fare approach, facilitated by drivers operating within the gig-economy is simply not sustainable for the industry – and certainly not for Uber. A current NYC bill proposes a 12-month freeze on new ride-hail cars while its Commission conducts a study on how Uber, Lyft and their local competitors affect traffic congestion and liveable wages. MAXIMISE THE INCOME Local taxi firms are now able to offer a better deal to their taxi drivers. With the latest technology providing greater visibility over demand and supply within a local area, these firms can help drivers to maximise their income. This includes giving drivers an overview of the most profitable times and locations to operate within, and the ability to flag up when a driver’s behaviour could be optimised. It’s important that transportation solutions of the future take all people into account. Transport must remain inclusive and any innovations must continue to consider all – not just the most convenient and profitable customers. Likewise, from a driver’s perspective, working for a local employer that is able to provide intelligent support, has major advantages. Customer facing apps have undoubtedly changed the taxi market, but it will be a broader set of technology that moulds the future of the industry, to the benefit of both consumers and drivers alike. ha TAXI OKTOBER/ 2018 33